Twenty-seven hackers representing nine countries gathered at the U.S. capitol March 23-25, 2018 for HackerOne’s first live...
Forty-one hackers representing 11 countries. More than $400,000 paid in bounties. All in nine hours. HackerOne’s second...
Harri Hursti is one of the world’s leading authorities on election voting security. His work has exposed...
When looking for a model to inform your own security posture, the Department of Defense would be...
H1-702 2018 is happening in Las Vegas from Wednesday, August 8 to Sunday, August 12! Any hacker...
Saturday, June 16, almost 50 hackers gathered from across the world to hack one of the most...
Interview with MoFo’s David Newman, of counsel in the National Security and Global Risk & Crisis Management...
The best way to prevent getting hacked is to try to get hacked. Paradoxical as this may...
Thanks to all the hackers who participated in the H1-702 2018 CTF! For the first time ever,...
This month, Zomato is celebrating the first anniversary of its bug bounty program. Since launching in July...